Neu 2007-12-19:

Was immer Sie über die Markt-Manipulationen der letzten Jahre wissen wollten:


Hier ist es.

Wie sie den Ölpreis manipulieren - Rob Kirby: THE INVISIBLE HAND

Neu 2007-12-16:

Aus Bill Bucklers Gold This Week:

Since the credit freeze hit in August, Central Banks everywhere have been INFLATING - increasing
the total stock of money" - at a rate never seen before. Now, the EFFECTS of this inflation are
coming out, as witness the quantum leap in November US wholesale prices announced this week.
It was only a matter of time before no amount of statistical manipulation would be enough to keep
this quiet anymore. The time is now up....

Right now, the powers that be in the financial community are praying that they can get through the
rest of THIS year without a financial explosion. They might just make it. But there's no way they
can get through the rest of NEXT year in similar fashion....

Every time a US official announces yet another plan, the Dollar rises
and Gold falls.
Mr Bush's latest "plan" announced last week led to a big
US Dollar gain.

Immer wenn ein wichtiger US-Politiker eine "wichtige" Ankündigung macht, steigt der Dollar und Gold fällt - alles Manipulation.

Aber nicht vergessen, das System ist am Ende. Sie müssen früh sein, noch über den Jahreswechsel zu kommen.

Neu 2007-12-01:

Die Medien und die Öffentlichkeit sind immer noch auf die Aktien konzentriert:

Handelsblatt: Jahresendrally noch nicht abgeschrieben

Anleger zwischen Subprime-Ängsten und Zins-Euphorie: Mal reißen die Kurse bei ihren Talfahrten eine Barriere nach der anderen. Dann steigen die Indizes unverhofft wieder an und nähern sich Rekordmarken. Die hohe Volatilität der Börsen wird auch in den nächsten Tagen das Börsengeschehen bestimmen, glauben Analysten. Die 8 000-Punkte-Marke bleibt in Reichweite.

Das ist die wahre "Leistung" der Manipulatoren. Erst wenn die Aktienindizes enttäuschen oder sonst massive Unfälle passieren, wird man aus der Euphorie aufwachen.

Jetzt hoffen sie auf eine Jahresend-Rally. Selbst wenn die kommt, werden nur ein paar % mit enormem Risiko zu holen sein, viel zu wenig für den richtigen Investor.

Neu 2007-10-27:

Gute Übersicht über die System-Manipulationen:


In sum, with The Cartel’s increasing use of derivatives comes an increasing risk of a financial meltdown. We had such a harbinger of one in August with the credit market freeze up of August, 2007, but The Cartel was able to rescue its major Bank and Wall Street clients from this one. But, alas, it will likely not always be so, with predicable negative consequences for all of us.

Ist das "Endgame" dieser Manipulationen schon da?

Neu 2007-10-23:

Aus dem Midas vom 22. Okt (Adrian Douglas):

I also said on Friday "There is nothing to worry about"…and there isn’t unless you are short gold. The Cartel has "managed" the markets for over a decade. Today’s action was NOT market management, it was pure unadulterated panic. They "manhandled" the markets. Such unsubtle intervention will not go unnoticed with the big money concerns. This is not the sort of action that soothe nerves; this is the sort of action that shows that someone is stupid enough to prop up markets that should not be propped up, and stupid enough to suppress markets that should not be suppressed. This telegraphs a message that there are not enough life-boats on the Titanic. Anyone with deep pockets and an IQ higher than a grapefruit will be taking this opportunity to get into the life-boats. The Cartel and the PPT is just the diversion for the masses up on the main deck playing violin and cello. Gold will not comply with the wishes of its erstwhile masters; it is gaining a life of its own.

The Gold Cartel and PPT are trying to right the Titanic. It’s too late, the berg has been hit. As that realization becomes more prevalent, there is going to be a SURGE into gold, silver and the shares.

Sehr guter Titanic-Vergleich. Der Eisberg wurde bereits im August gerammt, es ist zu spät. Jeder mit etwas "Investor-IQ" geht ab in die Rettungsboote, während das Gold Kartell und das PPT noch für die Massen spielen - um sie ruhig zu stellen.

Bis jetzt war die Kamikaze-Attacke von Gestern zumindest beim Goldpreis und US-Dollar nicht besonders effizient, den Dow konnte man aber wieder anheben.
Die Titanic sinkt weiter und diesesmal gibt es viel weniger Rettungsboote als 1912.

Neu 2007-10-15:

Die US Mint hat die Produktion von Goldmünzen eingestellt:

COINflation: Did The U.S. Mint Run Out Of Gold?

On September 13th, the U.S. Mint announced they were suspending Gold Eagle coin sales due to the recent rise in the gold price. And just recently, the Buffalo Gold coin series suffered a similar fate.

It's unlikely they ran out of gold, but it's not impossible. They're going to have a difficult time obtaining it from the open market at some point. More people are realizing every day that the U.S. dollar is becoming worth less and less (or just plain worthless) and are scrambling to purchase gold and silver.

More than likely, they're probably trying to lessen the mini-panic into gold after the Federal Reserve recklessly cut interest rates last month. David Harper from Numismaster wrote this morning there was a surge in gold coin sales before September 13th, which gives some credence to the mini-panic scenario.

Haben sie kein Gold mehr oder (wahrscheinlicher) wollen sie den Retail-Goldmarkt austrocknen, sodass die Amerikaner nicht in Gold flüchten können.

Wie man sieht, kein Goldverbot, sondern man stoppt einfach die Goldzufuhr in den Markt. Wieder eine Manipulation.

Neu 2007-10-03:

Gelingt es, eine neue Bubble aufzublasen?

Eric Janszen: Inflation versus deflation debate for Red Pill consumers

Der Autor meint ja, dass dies möglich sein könnte, um die Finanzökonomie (FIRE = Financial, Insurance, Real Estate) zu retten. Nur wenn dieses gelingt, kann der Kollaps des Systems aus dem Zusammenbruch der derzeitigen Immobilien-Bubbles vermieden werden.

Meiner Meinung nach müsste die neue Bubble noch wesentlich grösser als die bisherigen Aktien- und Immobilien-Bubbles sein, um eine noch höhere Kreditmenge aufzunehmen. Das kann wahrscheinlich nur der Staat machen, etwa mit einem Weltkrieg. Selbst die heutigen Kriege (Irak, etc.) sind dafür viel zu klein.
Selbst die US-Bevölkerung ist schon sehr kriegsmüde, von Europa ganz zu schweigen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür ist daher limitiert.

Eine andere Möglichkeit für eine entsprechend grosse Staats-Bubble ist eine staatliche Übernahme (Bailout) aller bisherigen Bankenverluste. Das "kostet" aber die Währungen (Hyperinflation). Es ist aber die wahrscheinlichste Variante.

Neu 2007-09-26:

Aus dem Midas vom 25. Sept. der "Gold-Tageszeitung" (

The market manipulation mania by the PPT, ESF, CPRM and The Gold Cartel continues to remain in high gear. Certainly General Paulson gave these groups steroids to move the markets the way the Administration and Planet Wall Street wants, regardless of the fundamental news....

Muss Paulson den PPTs wirklich schon Dopingmittel geben, damit es das System noch zusammenhält? (ironisch, aber möglicherweise wahr).
Fehlt nur noch eine gute Fotomontage von Hank Paulson als General oder Magier.

Aber wenn das einmal versagt (aus dem selben Midas):

The real profits in this entire bull market will be made by those who have a real consistent philosophy and expectation, not by those who need the all clear flag to signal that the sharks have gone away. In markets, there will always be an element of risk if there is a great reward. It has never been easy to do exceptionally well in the stock market. Most markets will end up fleecing both the timid and the foolhardy.

Die Ängstlichen und die Trader werden beim echten Goldpreis-Ausbruch vermutlich nicht mehr dabei sein.

Neu 2007-08-30:

Ölpreis-Manipulation (Leserzuschrift):

Als eifriger Leser Ihrer Website möchte ich auf etwas aufmerksam machen, was in den Beiträgen kaum zur Sprache kommt: Die Manipulation des Ölpreises! Dass der Goldpreis manipuliert wird, kann jeder aufmerksame Beobachter des Kursgeschehens leicht feststellen. Dass dieselbe Manipulation beim Öl geschieht, dürfte den meisten entgehen! Auf Grund der letzten Vorgänge ("Subprime-Krise") kann man wunderbar beobachten, dass sich Öl- und Goldpreise kaum bewegen - normal in wirtschaftlich turbulenten Zeiten? Wohl kaum!
Die internationale Hochfinanz (amerikanisch TPTB) findet offensichtlich einen Ölpreis um $ 71 und einen Goldpreis um $ 666 angemessen. Über die diversen Ölpreis- und Goldcharts kann ich nur lachen! Wie der Ölpreis manipuliert wird? Kein Problem: in den Lagern der großen westlichen Industrienationen (u. natürlich Japans) lagert cirma ein Achtel der gesamten Weltproduktion; also genug, um damit auch bei stagnierendem Ölangebot und steigernder Ölnachfrage den Ölpreis 5 bis 6 Jahre manipulieren zu können. Es dürfte also kein Zufall sein, dass seit Beginn der "Hypothekenkrise" der Wochenschlusskurs des Öls sich nur im Cent-Bereich bewegt hat!

Sicher wird auch der Ölpreis manipuliert, es ist aber nicht so einfach wie beim Goldpreis. Dieses Mal vermutlich in Richtung "Stabilität". Vor der US-Wahl war es nach Unten.

Neu 2007-08-22:

Die künstliche "Treasury-Bill-Panik":

Gestern habe ich auf der Systemkrise-Seite über die Pank berichtet, die "verängstigte US-Investoren" in 3-Monats-Treasury-Bills (3-Monats-Staatsanleihen) "getrieben" hat. Das dürfte nur ein Manöver von Hank Paulson's Plunge Protection Team (Working Group on Financial Markets, PPT) gewesen sein:

Von Rob Kirby aus dem Midas vom 21. August und einem Extra Artikel auf (nicht öffentlich):

CNBC just conducted an interview with Henry Paulson. Mr. Paulson was stating what is being done to ASSIST the markets. Among the items being done, he stated: "...we have re-energized the President's Working Group on Financial Markets...".

Er sagt öffentlich im Fernsehen, dass das PPT verstärkt (re-energized) worden ist. Bisher war es geheim. Und was macht das PPT dieser Tage so:

This is all getting creepier by the minute.

The same Treasury paper that the world could not get enough of yesterday – from Bloomberg – []

The Treasury's $32 billion four-week bill auction was the largest since at least July 2001.

The bills were sold at a high discount rate of 4.75 percent. The yields on one-month bills fell as low as 1.272 percent yesterday, and were trading at about 2.6 percent prior to the auction. In a sign of weak demand, the government received bids for the bills equal to 1.11 times the amount sold, the lowest since at least July 2001…..

I’ve NEVER, EVER seen a bid to cover ratio this low – especially in the T-Bill Market. The fact that demand for 4 WEEK BILLS was this weak raises SERIOUS QUESTIONS as to how they are EVER going to be able to issue 2 yr., 5 yr., 10 yr. or 30 yr. Bonds?

The air is thick with scent of future monetization[s].

Upon further thought – the bill results I just sent you ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY INCONSISTENT with the plunge in both 1 and 3 month T-Bill yields we experienced yesterday.

Just think about that for a minute: Yesterday – 3 month T-bills rallied by over 100 basis points at one point to below 3 % while 1 month T-bills traded as low as 1.25 %.

NOW TODAY: We’re to believe that the government cannot find more than 1.11 Times [bid to cover] on an auction of 32 Billion 4 week Bills?

Makes me wonder who the REAL [or imaginary] buyer was yesterday? These two occurrences are TOTALLY INCONSISTENT WITH ONE ANOTHER.

Unglaublich und total inkonsistent: vor 2 Tagen konnte "die Welt" nicht genug von diesen Treasury-Bills bekommen, sodass die Zinsen auf unter 3% gesunken sind. Einen Tag später bekam man bei der öffentlichen Auktion die relativ geringe Summe von $32 Mrd. bei 4.75% fast nicht los.

Hank Paulsen und sein PPT haben diese Panik offenbar künstlich herbeigeführt (über geheime Kanäle gekauft/monetisiert), um der Welt zu zeigen, wie "wirkliche Sicherheit" liegt - bei den US-Treasuries. Nicht etwa beim Gold, das mit allen Mitteln gedrückt wird. Man darf überhaupt nichts mehr glauben.

Stehen sie bereits so sehr mit dem Rücken zur Wand, so dass sie solche Sachen machen müssen?

Neu 2007-08-18:

Aus dem Midas vom 17. August (gestern):

To get right to the point, the Fed knows how bad things are and has been taking action after action to calm markets down … with today’s move the most dramatic visible one to date. Clearly they felt they needed the dollar higher and gold down if they were going to change the stance on interest rates and begin to reduce them. Then their PPT gang was given the word what was coming today and loaded the boat by buying S&P futures LATE yesterday. While many of us are getting the crud kicked out of us with our gold/silver shares, the crooks in the Working Group on Financial Markets are given the word what is coming and they make a quick fortune. The DOW rallied something like 600* points in an hour of trading (45 minutes at the end of yesterday and the first 15 minutes today). It was no surprise the early soaring gains were given back as the Working Group on Financial Markets crowd needed to cash in on their winnings.

GATA's Ed Steer:

Well Bill, I should have seen this coming. With the debt/credit market basically frozen solid, the Fed had to act...and they started planning for it by killing gold and silver so that when the cut came, gold and silver would be rising from a much lower base. So the call went out to the NYMEX/COMEX and it was done like dinner.

The dollar was already rising because of the unwinding of the Yen carry trade and the repatriation of dollars back to the US from many other countries, as the requirement for cash Stateside became immense.

Armed with that, the Fed could cut and control the damage.

Sure, gold and silver took off this a.m., but they capped it in NY as per usual; and then sold PM shares into the huge rally this a.m....using shares they had most likely purchased in the last three days just for that purpose. It worked like a dream. Mission accomplished.

Und wieder haben sie es gemacht. Sie mussten irgendwelche Zinsen senken, aber vorher musste der Goldpreis herrunter.

Da war es offenbar wieder höchste Zeit für das Goldkartell die Standard-Methode anzuwenden:

Here's an anatomy of a typical gold raid in a nutshell:

1. HUI is taken down without reason and irregardless to what gold does (up, sideways or down, it does not matter).

2. Once the HUI has fallen sufficiently and gold hasn't broken yet, gold is pressured down overnight.

3. Once the London AM fix has occurred, gold is further pushed down such that by the New York open it is down $3 - $7.

4. At 10 AM EST after the London PM fix, gold is pushed down in a violent fashion in a short period of time.

5. Gold is given a small respite until 11 AM EST and then further pushed down.

6. 12 Noon EST, the final big push begins with a violent drop of the price.

I highly suspected that last weeks solid performance would not go uncontested. I did not anticipate the severity of the drop in gold shares. At one point, they were down 60 points from the close on Friday. Quite frankly, this is the largest four day drop I have seen in the HUI over four years. Tonight I kept wondering why has the sector been attacked so violently? Certainly the Central Banks don't want gold to go up in times of distress nor do they want gold to be viewed as a safe haven investment. This could have been easily achieved by knocking the HUI down 20 points and leaving it at that. I read Jim Sinclair's website where he mentioned a problem of a $90 Billion contraction in commercial paper. These are the funds money markets run on. The following quote in his article really caught my eye:

"If you want a comparison of the last time commercial paper dropped by a number like $90 billion, in 2001 the Fed promptly dropped the discount rate by one full point."

I have mentioned before that large downward movements in gold often presage extremely gold bullish news. It is in this fashion that when the positive gold news comes out, its rally occurs at much lower levels. We have also witnessed in the last 10 days a very strong dollar rally during a time that repeated very bearish dollar news has hit the tape.

Zuerst holt man die "Goldminen" herunter. Noch einmal hat es funktioniert, wie lange noch. Wir werden bald sehen.

Die wirkliche, systemische Gefahr war der Zusammenbruch des Commercial Paper (kurzfristige Anleihen) Marktes.

Hier sieht man, das "System" kämpft um sein Überleben und wendet jeden möglichen Trick an. Aber sie werden diesen Kampf verlieren, dazu ist die Krise schon zu weit fortgeschritten. Jetzt nicht aus Gold und Goldminen herausgehen! Der Ausbruch wird unglaublich sein, wenn er kommt - wenn "Planet Wall Street" seinen Kampf verliert!

Neu 2007-08-17:

Ein neuer Trick von Ben und Hank:

Bloomberg: Fed Cuts Discount Rate, Acknowledging Need for Action

Helicopter Ben Benanke hat die US-Discountrate plötzlich um 0.5% auf 5.75 gesenkt, die wichtigere Fed-Funds Rate (Leitzinsen) aber gleich gelassen um den Dollar weiter zu stützen. Sicher war es die Idee von Hank Paulson.

Es hat sich nichts geändert, das System bricht weiter zusammen. Man musste den Aktienmarkt psychologisch stützen.

Neu 2007-08-07:

Aus dem Midas vom 6. August:

In other words The Gold Cartel, PPT, ESF, Working Group on Financial Markets, and the Counterparty Risk Management Group were going to go ALL OUT in every area to keep the US stock market from tanking due to increasing panic….

Which means the Orwellians ARE doing what they can behind the scenes without revealing their maneuvers in the public investing arena in an attempt to keep the FED from being forced to take visible action by cutting US interest rates. IF the FED does so, it means they will have to admit there really are VERY serious financial market problems, which risks causing even further alarm. To cut rates now, with the Europeans saying they are going to raise rates, will doom the dollar … and who knows what kind of havoc that could wreak.

The problem is this market rigging crowd has for YEARS thwarted the free market process that CNBC’s Lawrence Kudlow rants about before his show on that channel. By doing so, the Orwellians (easiest way to describe all of them) have created a potential nightmare that may now be in the process of kicking in. Yes, it is a nightmare for some already, but this may be the tip of the iceberg.

By forcing risk in US markets to be perceived at a minimum for so many years, an inordinate appetite to take risk (to achieve higher returns) was created … as was the feeling that those gains could be obtained without ever having loss of capital. This goes to the hedge fund crowd in the financial market arena and to the general public with their real estate investments. Everyone was a genius … unusually high returns made by all....

Now it is time for the Piper to be paid. What goes around, comes around. Quid Pro Quo … whatever you want to call it.

Clearly the Orwellians are in a panic to prevent that Piper from being paid. By the close today everything ended up in a counterintuitive way. Gold and silver down, dollar up, and US stock market up. Yet, all they have done is up the tab for the Piper.

Einmal muss die Musik bezahlt werden, nachdem sie schon so lange für die Manipulatioren gespielt hat. Und die Rechnung wird immer höher.
Inzwischen sind diese "Orwellians" total desperat und in ihren Manipulationen für alle sichtbar.

Turkish gold dealers appear on Reuters today trying to talk down their record imports for July. The only reasons they offer are seasonal, which totally fail to explain the near quadrupling in shipments over July ’06, and anyway do not take hold for over a month.

Dann machen sie solche Medien-Manipulationen: Sie lassen türkische Goldhändler auftreten, die sagen müssen, dass die Rekord-Goldimporte in die Türkei nur temporär waren.

Another reason why the Bush Administration is DESPERATE to keep the stock market from tanking ... EVERYONE says the only solution to the Iraq fiasco is a political solution. First their lightweight politicians go on vacation for a month while our soldiers fight for their country and now this:

BAGHDAD - Iraq's political crisis worsened Monday as five more ministers announced a boycott of Cabinet meetings — leaving the embattled prime minister's unity government with no members affiliated with Sunni political factions.


Wie die Dinge zusammenhängen. Weil die US-Situation im Irak jetzt auch politisch zusammenbricht, "MÜSSEN" die Aktienmärkte oben bleiben.

PS: Dieser Midas beginnt mit dem BaFin/Sanio Vergleich zu 1931 aus dem Manager-Magazin (auf deutsch).

Wie sie die Aktien der Goldminen manipulieren (drücken):

Jim Sinclair: Manipulation Via End-of-the-Day-Selling Designed to Mark Stock Prices Down

There is another method of manipulation used by the illegal shorts which is an "End of day mark down." This occurs when traders sell viscously into the marketplace in small volumes in the last few minutes of trading. This is common on both paper gold as well as gold shares.

Computer platforms show you the bids and offers that are in the marketplace along with volume and price. This Friday, a situation was trading near its high of the day on the Amex and TSX when within the last 90 seconds a seller entered the marketplace by simply hitting all the bids down below the range of the day. That type of manipulative act can succeed because how many investors are glued to their screens in the last 90 seconds of a day or could type and enter fast enough to get a buy order in? This is clearly manipulation when it forms a pattern. All trades have paper trails so at discovery in a civil law suit, who was doing what - both in gold and gold shares - is totally apparent and knowable.

Unglaublich: in den letzten 90 Sekunden des Handelstages shorten sie massiv die Minen (wahrscheinlich illegale "Naked Shorts"). Dann kann niemand mehr so schnell am Computer arbeiten, um hier noch zu kaufen.

Aus diesem Grund werden die Aktien der Goldminen hochschiessen, wenn das System zusammenbricht - nicht aussteigen!

Und nicht vergessen: heute ist FED-Meeting - da muss alles "funktionieren".

Neu 2007-07-27:

Sie tun immer das Gleiche:


On pages 290 - 291 of his book, In an Uncertain World, referencing the Brazilian financial crisis of the late 1990s, Robert Rubin outlines how very expensive “bad decisions” can buy time. Sometimes, he asserts, these bad decisions have a great deal of merit because they can, “..Probably defer the impact of the collapse for six or eight months, and that will more than justify the effort.”

Bei jeder Krise haben sie es so gemacht: zuerst gelogen, dass sich den Balken biegen, dann interveniert (sehr teure, schlechte Entscheidungen), dann ist es trotzdem zusammengekracht. Selbst wenn sie die Kollaps nur 6 Monate hinauszögern können, ist in den Augen dieser Leute der Aufwand mehr als gerechtfertigt!

Jetzt machen sie es wieder so.

Neu 2007-07-24:

Auszüge aus dem Midas vom 23. Juli (mehrere Autoren):

Abracadabra … Planet Wall Street Is On It Again

For the umpteenth time the problems for US financial markets and the economy disappeared overnight. The DOW is called 65 higher. Gold is flat, dollar quiet and interest rate yields slightly higher.

Whenever the DOW looks shaky, for whatever reason, and has a really bad day, the PPT makes sure the "Mo" immediately turns back up; at least they make an effort to do so. It has been this way ever since 9/11.

It’s the same with US interest rates, and of course gold … the markets are that managed. When it comes to rates, the yields tank each time the stock market is belted. It is as if the Working Group on Financial Markets, Counterparty Risk Management Group, PPT and Gold Cartel have a formula which automatically goes into play when the markets move in a certain direction that threatens Planet Wall Street. The markets are NEVER allowed to remain in a mode for very long whose characteristics would turn investors (analysts) bearish on the US stock market. When rates threaten to rise sharply, they are taken back down somehow, over and over again. The suddenly lower US interest rates are then viewed as a new positive for the market, counterbalancing whatever other market negatives which have surfaced.

The fly in the ointment is the dollar; and, the ability of The Gold Cartel to locate enough gold to keep its price in the tank.

However, for the moment The Gold Cartel had their market calming way, making sure the rise in the price of gold has as little impact as possible on other financial markets. Friday’s bit of trauma has been put on the back burner. The AM Fix came in unchanged at $683.50 … enter cabal forces.

To give you some idea of the extent to which The Gold Cartel goes to keep gold in check, one need only take a gander at Friday’s open interest increase: up a whopping 16,830 contracts to 393,498. That is why gold only rose $7, when it could have easily risen $20.

Interessant, wie wieder alle "Problem" wie von selbst verschwinden. Auch der Druck auf das Gold wird wieder erhöht, wie der steigende Comex Open Interest zeigt - mit minimalem Erfolg. Das wirkliche Problem ist aber jetzt der fallende Dollar.

It may be inconsequential, but Bear Sterns has been a major issuer of silver on the COMEX this month. For instance on Friday a total of 49 silver contracts were issued of which 39 were by Bear Sterns. I don’t have the total figures for the month, but Bear Sterns has been the top issuer on most days. This is not normal as Bear Sterns is usually a minor player in COMEX silver. I do not know if they are selling in order to generate cash flow. It also may be that the establishment told Bear Sterns they will help sweep their sub prime bond problems under the carpet, but Bear Sterns must cooperate by liquidating its commodity holdings. This could similar to Warren Buffet selling his silver in order to placate the government on his legal problems concerning his insurance company General Re. Funny how the General Re problem disappeared after Buffet’s meeting with authorities.

Eine interessante Theorie. Musste Bear Stearns sein restliches Silber gerade hergeben, damit ihm geholfen wird?
Sieht so ähnlich aus wie bei Warren Buffetts General Re wo die Probleme mit dem Staat plötzlich verschwunden sind, nachdem er sein Silber verkauft hat.

"There are one hundred men seeking security to one able man who is willing to risk his fortune." --- Jean Paul Getty

Es gibt hundert Leute die Sicherheit suchen, für jeden der bereit ist, sein Vermögen zu riskieren - Jean Paul Getty

Neu 2007-07-09:

Yen-Harakiri für den Dollar:

Einer der besten Artikel über das monetäre Treiben der Japaner von Peter Schiff:
Will Japan Destroy The Yen To Save The Dollar?

As the Japanese government continues holding short-term interest rates near zero while printing yen like it is going out of style, getting out of the yen has now replaced pachinko as the national pastime for rank and file Japanese. With housewives and cab drivers debating the best techniques to exchange their yen savings for higher yielding non-yen assets, the Japanese monetary authorities are facing the prospect of the complete destruction of their own currency, subjecting their citizens to the horrors of hyperinflation.

The Japanese are pursuing this reckless monetary policy with the deliberate goal of creating inflation, and they are in danger of succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. Despite the tendency of central bankers to argue that consumers are better served by rising prices rather than falling prices, “deflation” was never a real threat to Japan. On the contrary, falling consumer prices are one of the natural rewards that people enjoy in market economies. The fact that this benefit has been denied to most people in modern times as a result of government created inflation is one of the great tragedies of our time. To spare its citizens from suffering the "scourge" of being able to buy products at lower prices, the Japanese are close to destroying one of the greatest savings hordes in history. The question is why are they doing it?

The only logical answer I can offer is that the Japanese realize that if they stop the flow of global liquidity they will destroy the dollar and the U.S. economy. To survive, the U.S. must be able to both limitlessly exchange the dollars it prints for the goods the rest of the world makes and then pay low rates of interest on its IOU’s that foreigners accumulate as a result. Were the Japanese to turn off the monetary spigot and raise interest rates to normal levels, Americans would not be able to do either.

A real rate of interest on the yen would reverse the carry trade by creating demand for Japanese assets and diminishing demand for dollar denominated assets. Such a move would simultaneously send U.S. interest rates and consumer prices thought the roof and stock and real estate prices through the floor. The entire U.S. consumer economy would collapse and Americans would experience the greatest period of economic hardship since the Great Depression.

This scenario apparently terrifies the Japanese, as they fear that such a severe recession in America means similar problems for Japan. However, their fears are misplaced as their real problem is the enormous cost of trying to prevent this from happening. Their fixation on what might happen to Japan if the American economy were to run off the rails has blinded them to the far greater costs of trying to keep in on track.

Therefore, the Japanese need to carefully consider what they are doing. They need to ask themselves whether propping up the U.S. economy, merely delaying its inevitable collapse, is really worth the destruction of their own currency and the potential chaos that might create for their own economy? Do they really want to commit economic hara kiri just to keep their short-sighted vendor financing scheme going a while longer? Hyper-inflation would be the monetary equivalent of an atomic bomb. Will the Japanese really let us do it to them again? If they come to their senses soon, as they must do to avoid this fiasco, this time it will be the Japanese that drop the atomic bomb on us!

Man könnte sagen, das ist eine besondere Anhänglichkeit gegenüber der Supermacht USA, dass sie die Ersparnisse ihre Bürger dafür opfern wollen. Eigentlich sollten in Japan schon die Alarmglocken schrillen, wenn selbst die Hausfrauen schon gegen den Yen spekulieren.

Jedoch muss man die Geschichte kennen. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg haben sie auch versucht, eine Stabilisierungskrise zu verhindern, bis 1927 alles zusammengebrochen ist. Ausserdem ist der japanische Staat extrem verschuldet, Zinsen wie in den USA würden den Bankrott bedeuten. Die japanische Elite versucht sich damit selbst noch etwas länger an der Macht zu halten.

Ob die Eliten dann reales Harakiri begehen, wenn die Hyperinflation da ist? wahrscheinlich nicht.

Neu 2007-07-03:

Auszüge aus einem Artikel von Adrian Douglas (nicht öffentlich) über Derivate:

The most stunning aspect of the demise of two hedge funds belonging to Bear Stearns Cos. is the almost total absence of transparency surrounding the bailout.

The debacle may finally provoke regulators, who have long suspected that buying derivatives is akin to running through a fireworks factory with a lighted blowtorch in each hand.

Their focus is likely to fall on how to assign prices to complex derivatives, created by cooking together different flavors of securities whose values are driven by other assets such as stocks, bonds or mortgages.

The efforts by Bear Stearns's creditors to extricate themselves from their investments have laid bare one of the derivatives market's dirty little secrets -- prices are mostly generated by a confidence trick....

Mark Gilbert has presented this problem in a light-hearted way but the issue is the most serious one on the planet today. It is naïve to think of the $500 Trillion derivatives market as a sideshow, where some silly prices are agreed for obligations that no one has the creditworthiness to back. This is not just an ugly, non-malignant tumor that can be conveniently cut off. This massive financial activity that bets on the outcome of the pricing of the underlying assets has corrupted the system such that those who would be responsible for paying out orders of magnitude more money than they have if the bets go against them are sucked into a black hole of moral and ethical destitution as they have no other choice but to manipulate the price of the underlying assets to prevent financial ruin....

Derivatives may be complex instruments but the concept is simple. They are insurance contracts against something happening. For example, an interest rate derivative is an insurance policy against interest rates going up beyond a certain level. If they do there is a pay-out to the derivative holder. If not, the derivative expires and the holder has paid an insurance premium for nothing. But the real difference with derivatives from insurance is that insurance is usually for very rare events like a house burning down, or a car being stolen. But derivatives are for protection against mundane things happening like interest rates going up, or the gold price going up, or the stock market going down. These are not catastrophic risks that happen infrequently, they WILL happen at some point in time. What is more if a payout event is triggered, unlike when a house burns down, there will not be just a handful of claims on any one day, payouts will be due in the trillions of dollars on the same day. It is the financial equivalent of a hurricane Katrina hitting every US city on the same day!

Instead of stopping this idiotic sham business from growing to galactic proportions, all the authorities, and all the banks, and all the major financial institutions around the world have heralded it as the best thing since sliced bread. But now all these players are complicit in the crime. They are all on the hook. The stakes are now too high. They must manipulate the underlying assets on a daily basis to prevent triggering the payout of a major derivative event.

Derivatives are a bet against volatility. Guess what has happened? Surprise, surprise! Volatility has vanished. The VIX looks like an ECG when the patient has died! Gold has an unofficial $6 rule. The DOW is not allowed to drop more than 200 points and it must rally the following day. Interest rates must not rise, if they do the FED must issue more of their now secret M3, ship it offshore to the Caribbean and pretend that an unknown foreign bank is buying US Treasuries like crazy.

But the sham is coming unglued because the huge excess liquidity that has been injected into the system to prevent it from imploding is showing up as asset bubbles all over the place and shortages of raw materials are everywhere. There is massive inflation going on. There is NO major economy in the world not inflating their money supply by less than 10% annually. But where are the "bond vigilantes"? Where are these super smart traders who dump bonds at the whiff of inflation? Where have they been the last 5 years? This is a major conundrum! No, it’s not! I think you will find that the classical "bond vigilantes" are the same big banks who hold massive concentrations of derivatives and are on the hook for trillions of dollars if interest rates go up. Voila, a bond vigilante can lose his religion overnight in such circumstances!

The details of the bailout of Bear Stearns hedge funds have been kept secret. It is essentially an agreement not to claim on their "insurance policies" because the insurance is a sham...

When looked at in this perspective, it is pretty clear why gold had to be contained at all costs over the last few days while the Bear Stearns debacle was unfolding. But this has cost The Gold Cartel dearly in dishoarding physical gold. Unlike the ex-bond vigilantes, the buyers of physical gold are not corrupted by being party to the derivatives scam.

Interessante Ansicht des Autors: dass diese "Kredit-Versicherungen" = Derivate im Ernstfall nicht "ausbezahlt" werden.
Aber wir werden bald sehen, ob sich die Derivate-Käufer gefallen lassen. Dann wird die Volatilität wieder kommen.

Und es ist auch klar, warum der Goldpreis in den letzten Wochen mit allen Mitteln so gedrückt werden musste. Um die Rettung von Bear Stearns und des Derivaten-Universums nicht zu gefährden. Dürft sehr viel Metall gekostet haben.

Neu 2007-05-31:

Wie passt das zusammen?

Yahoo: US Economy has worst growth since 2002

Das reale "Wachstum" liegt wegen der massiven Fälschungen vermutlich bei -6% oder so - Rezession.

Und das: NYT: S.& P. Index Climbs Past the Record It Set 7 Years Ago

Da ist das US Plunge Protection Team zusammen mit dem Ministry of Truth (Wahrheits-Ministerium - BLS) offenbar in Hochform. Und die Börsianer sind so verrückt alles zu glauben.

Neu 2007-05-01:

Warum die Märkte wirklich manipuliert werden:

Aus dem Midas vom 30. April:

(There are some Café members who might be asking why it is necessary to bring this political stuff into in this column. It is
ESSENTIAL. All of it is related, re gold, stock market, the Treasury, Fed, bullion banks, politicians, government bureaus like the Justice Department and CIA, etc.). There is not one CEO in the US who would not have been fired after what President Clinton got caught DOING in the White House, and then committing perjury under oath. Our politicians and public gave him a pass because the economy was booming and they did not want to rock the boat. Doing the wrong thing (and not impeaching him) has now led to grievances by the Bush Administration that DWARF what Clinton did. Bush & Co know they would be in the deepest of trouble should our stock and real estate markets tank. Thus they rig, rig, rig; the DOW goes up and up and up, and gold is capped, capped, capped. One day this will all blow up and the mob will scream, "How could this have happened?"

Veterans of the market will recall that 20 years ago, the dollar was tanking then too, yet the US stock market was doing fine. The Planet Wall Street crowd marveled and said it was different this time and that the dollar drop was inconsequential. They said so for 6 months leading up to the October 1987 crash.

What we are seeing now is the manipulation of the gold, stock, and Treasury markets by the Fed, Gold Cartel, PPT, Working Group on Financial Markets, and Exchange Stabilization Fund. The longer these market management outfits distort US markets, the worse the outcome. The average US citizen won’t know what hit them.

Sehr gute Zusammenfassung. Wenn die Wirtschaft sichtbar abstürzt, ist es mit Baby Bush (und den anderen Politikern weltweit) vorbei. Dann würden deren Verbrechen sichtbar werden. Dann würden/werden alle schreien: wie konnte das alles passieren?

Vor 20 Jahren (1987) ist auch zuerst der Dollar gesunken, dann gab es im Oktober den Crash. 6 Monate lang hat "Planet Wall Street" versichert: dieses Mal ist es anders. Die Leute werden diesesmal nicht wissen, was sie trifft - wenn es crasht.
Je länger und intensiver die Märkte manipuliert werden, umso schlimmer wird der Absturz.

Neu 2007-03-31:

Lieber, angefressener Mitbürger:

Werbung für einen Investment-Newsletter aus den USA:

Dan Amoss: Seven Shocking Lies

Kann man auf Europa fast genausogut übertragen (einige Namen auswechseln).
Wer traut sich hier genauso brutal zu schreiben? Fast niemand!

Neu 2007-03-25:

Was die Plunge Protection Teams so alles treiben:

Edgar Steele: Splish, Splash - The Dollar's Taking a Bath!

Ein ausgezeichneter Bericht: Seit Hank Paulson US-Finanzminister (Secretary of Treasury) ist, sind die Manipulationen aller Märkte besonders intensiv geworden. Und die anderen Staaten machen fleissig mit. Denn sie haben alle ds gleiche Problem: Fiat-Money und zu viel Schulden.

Neu 2007-07-24:

Von ARMageddon bis zur raffiniertestem Betrug:


Dieser Artikel kann in verschiedene Kategorien auf dieser Website eingeordnet werden. Wegen des Europa-Bezugs und einiger raffinierter auch hier angewendeter Tricks der Regierungen kommt er auf diese Seite.

Über das US-ARMageddon, die 2. Phase des Immobilien-Kollapese muss hier nichts mehr gesagt werden.
Aber interessant sind einige Methoden der Manipulation, die offenbar in Deutschland erfunden wurde:

Courtesy of the fuzzy math brought to us by the US government, Medicare, Social security, wage and all entitlement growth was restrained to the lower numbers while the real economy was growing in excess of the old measurement. They then raised taxes to enhance government boondoggles, vote buying and general pork barrel. Germany has used this technique over the years to recover its export competitiveness by restraining wage and entitlement growth with numbers like these while quietly understating growth along the higher line and substituting higher taxes on the higher incomes to mask the true amount they are taking from the German economy. All governments now use this technique to hide the theft of money from higher taxes and theft of purchasing power caused by fiat money and credit creation. It allows politicians that represent the “something for nothing” constituents to deliver on the tooth fairy promises of something for nothing. And there is a lot of something for nothing thinkers and politicians in the western developed world. In fact they constitute the majority of the electorates and politicians worldwide.

Der Absatz ist nicht einfach zu lesen. Aber ich möchte es so zusammenfassen:
- die Inflationsrate wird künstlich nach unten gefälscht
- dadurch steigen die Löhne und Sozialausgaben nicht so stark wie die realen Einnahmen
- die erhöhten Steuern werden primär den höheren Einkommen angehängt (die sind nicht so viele?)
- mit den neuen Einnahmen können problemlos Stimmen (der Unterschicht?) gekauft werden
- die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf den Exportmärkten steigt
- daneben wird weiterhin über die (reale) Inflation gestohlen, aber das merken die Schafe (noch) nicht

Pervers! Inzwischen wird dieses System im gesamten Westen angewandt.

Der Autor erwartet auch, dass sich die Inflation jetzt überall massiv beschleunigt.
Ich bin allerdings nicht seiner Meinung, dass man dieses System mit noch mehr Liquditäts-Zufuhr noch lange aufrechterhalten kann.
Sobald die Inflation für alle sichtbar wird und/oder der Goldpreis stark anzieht, ist das Spiel aus. Wenn nicht vorher die 2. Phase des Immobilien-Crashes in den USA den "Meltdown" bringt, was sehr wahrscheinlich ist.

Neu 2007-03-22:

Was die Fed wirklich sagen wollte, aber es nicht wagt:

Die Übersetzung aus Fed-Speak von Mike Shedlock: Near panic at the Fed

Sonst wäre das Kartenhaus sofort kollabiert. Manipulation mit Worten. Noch funktioniert es.

Neu 2007-02-16:

Lasste den Dow schön steigen, obwohl er real sinkt:

Ein interessanter Vergleich von Larry Edelson: How the Dow is already getting killed!

Er vergleicht hier nicht nur mit Gold sondern auch mit anderen Preisen. Ein schöner Fall von psychologischer System-Manipulation.
Wie lange lassen sich die Leute noch an der Nase herumführen?

Neu 2007-02-06:

Das PPT ist hart an der Arbeit - derzeit Total-Manipulation :

Hier ein Kommentar aus dem Midas vom 5. Februar:

It really seems that the government now has complete control over all markets. The blizzard of money, combined with expert leadership from Paulson, has the markets doing whatever they want at any time.
That's why gold stocks are so dead. Just as it has become clear that the stock and bond markets, not to mention the dollar, are not allowed to go down, you get the sense that the market believes gold and commodities are not allowed to go up.

I keep watching and waiting, but each day it seems like the PPT's control over the markets gets stronger. The ease of oday's afternoon takedown of gold is case and point, in my view.

We really, REALLY need some significant buying pressure to come from somewhere to push gold up toward the $700 level.

Ja, Paulson und sein Plunge Protection Team tun alles, um das System für die USA noch einige Monate zu retten. Daneben kommt Widerstand aus China:
- man will $200 Mrd an Devisenreserven für Aufkäufe von Firmen, Rohstoffe, etc. im Ausland einsetzen
- chinesische Käufer kaufen über Hedge-Fonds (zur Tarnung) Gold und andere Rohstoffe

Neu 2007-02-03:

Weise Worte von Richard Russel:

Aus: Gold Manipulation

Why do central bankers want the fiat money system to survive? Simple, it's their livelihood. It's what they live on. It's their ticket to power. When Volcker was asked what he liked best about being head of the Fed, he said, "What I liked best was being addressed as 'Mr. Chairman.'" – Richard Russel

Warum tun die Zentralbanker alles, damit das Fiat-Money-System überlebt? Es ist deren Einkommen, deren Macht.
Und der Chef darf sich Mr. Chairman nennen. Hier haben wir es.

Ich Schweden wurde von einigen Jahrhunderten ein Zentralbanker nach einem Crash aufgehängt.

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